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Sand Hollow - Utah

Submitted by John & Wendy Cary on Fri, 04/06/2012 - 17:00
Sand Hollow - Utah

Sand Hollow Utah Club Run

March 31 - April 4, 2012

Report prepared by Mike Whittington and John Cary
Mike and Laura W. - Co-Leaders
John and Wendy C. and Nova - Co-Leaders
Rich and Corky W.
DuWayne and Tina L.
Jeff and Carol S.
Norm and Pat T.
Mike B and daughter Nicole
Russ and Faye M.
Bob and Judy B.

This was the first club trip to Sand Hollow in Southwestern Utah, but it won't be the last. Kind of a mini Moab. Plenty of slick rock and sand dunes but about half the distance. Very nice!

Most of us arrived on Saturday, March 31 to find a very cold windy day. We even got a little rain and hail. It made for a short visit around the campfire then to bed in preparation for a Sunday of jeeping.

Sunday, April 1.
Sand Hollow Overlook Trail. After passing through the tunnel at the staging area, the group headed out to the right side and lots of slick rock. Mid way up the mountain, we crossed back into the sand dunes where we all had a good chance to race around the dunes. At one point we stopped on top of a dune ridge to let the dogs out, have a drink of water and then watch as Bob's TJ ghosted down the side of a dune as we all waved goodbye to it. No big deal, it stopped at the bottom and waited for Bob and Judy to return. We don't need no stinkin' E-brake. The Overlook trail is a long one with beautiful views of the Warner Valley, Pine Valley Mountains and Sand Hollow. The only real nasty spot was about three quarters through where we found a narrow spot in the trail followed a short time later by a semi-difficult sharp left hand drop. Good spotting got everyone through with no trouble at all. Mike managed to go off one obstacle and serious bend his tire carrier. Looks like he will need a new one.

Monday, April 2.
Upper West Rim Trail. This trail consisted of mostly slick rock with a few challenging sections to make it lots of fun. Again we had great views of the surrounding mountains and St. George. We all got a chance to play on the rocks with some very challenging sections if you were so inclined to try them. Most of us did. There was even a really cool rock chute that was just barely wide enough to get the Jeep through...especially with my very wide D60 axles and 13.5" tires. The wind was pretty nasty most of the day and the temp was on the cold side. I think the Wohlers and Larsons had the most fun with no windshield. That night we used the Man Cave for beer thirty.

Tuesday, April 3.
John's Trail. Tuesday was the best day of all. We finally woke up to great weather and it stayed that way through the rest of the trip. John's Trail was the most challenging by far. Lots of slick rock and lots of obstacles to play on including two canyons that made up part of the trail. Most all of the more exciting obstacles had by-passes but as long as we had someone to spot us, everyone who wanted to give it a go cleared them with no problems. Winches were used on many of the obstacles.

There have been several photo albums posted on Facebook.
The group broke camp on Wednesday morning. A few of us headed for home, some others headed to Zion or somewhere else to spend a bit more time before heading for home.
This was a great trip. There were no mishaps experienced by anybody during the three days of wheelin'. I for one had a fantastic time; I think everyone else would agree this was a trip we will fondly remember. Sand Hollow Utah will definitely be added to the schedule for an annual run. So plan for next Spring Break.

The Sand Hollow campground is well laid out. You are not packed in like a can of sardines, yet close enough to wander over to the campfire. They do not allow OHV’s in the campground. Every time we came in and out, Duwayne and Rich had to be towed. There is a Walmart within a few miles. Also gas prices were well below $4.

If anyone has any additional comments, please add.
